Thursday, 27 March 2008

An Aussie Trekker's Blog

I need somewhere to store my travel stories. My thoughts. My happenings. I've been searching for a place for sometime and never realised the answer I was seeking was right before me, as it so often is.

I already have a blog. But I never thought to get another. I mean, two blogs... that's a little selfish, don't you think? But they're two different blogs. This one will be entirely about my travels (past and present). The other is about my life and hobbies.

I am keen to start this one. I have been thinking of doing it for a few months, I just never took the time to begin. I worry I won't stay on top of it. I know I've been more than a little slack with my other blog. Time, it does escape us, doesn't it?

Bear with me though. It might not make much sense. I've been travelling on and off for almost 6 years now. So we'll start with where I'm at. Then I'll throw in some past emails that I wrote when I was travelling and it'll be all nostalgic. Well, moreso for me. For you, I'm just hoping it makes some sort of sense.

And so begins the travel stories. The words that I hope one day will be more than a blog. Perhaps, and here's hoping, it'll one day be book... Notes From An Aussie Trekker.

Dare to dream, eh?


HughE Dillon said...

This is a good start. When is your book coming out.

moviemerlin said...

No idea. I'd need to contact people about that to see if anyone's willing enough to invest in my ramblings... in the hopes that someone would want to read them!


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